Lost Among Europeans

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Pechuga de pavita con champignons

¡Pechuga de pavita con champignons, siempre pechuga de pavita con champignons!

¡Pechuga de pavita con champignons, siempre pechuga de pavita con champignons!

This tendency to make everything uniform and safe and fungible. It’s not only the relentless march of capitalism but a natural human thing. I spent years rating the songs in my digital music collection, and building a playlist with only the best stuff. I tired very quickly of that playlist.

It’s undeniably efficient to try to repeat what has worked previously and avoid anything that has failed previously, but it’s also a dangerous default to abandon oneself to.

Felipe’s rejection of his ration of mush in the comic strip1 is an example to us all. Vive la résistance!

  1. from the famous Mafalda comics created by Quino. ↩︎